Pseudobombax ellipticum, Bombax ellipticum, Shaving Brush Tree (2025)

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Pseudobombax ellipticum, Bombax ellipticum, Shaving Brush Tree (3)

Shaving Brush Tree
Family: Malvaceae(Formerly:Bombacaceae)
Subfamily: Bombacoideae
Origin: Mexico and Central America

USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map

Pseudobombax ellipticum, Bombax ellipticum, Shaving Brush Tree (4)

USDA Zone: 9-11?
Pseudobombax ellipticum, Bombax ellipticum, Shaving Brush Tree (6)Pseudobombax ellipticum, Bombax ellipticum, Shaving Brush Tree (7)Pseudobombax ellipticum, Bombax ellipticum, Shaving Brush Tree (8)Pseudobombax ellipticum, Bombax ellipticum, Shaving Brush Tree (9)Pseudobombax ellipticum, Bombax ellipticum, Shaving Brush Tree (10)Pseudobombax ellipticum, Bombax ellipticum, Shaving Brush Tree (11)Pseudobombax ellipticum, Bombax ellipticum, Shaving Brush Tree (12)Pseudobombax ellipticum, Bombax ellipticum, Shaving Brush Tree (13)Pseudobombax ellipticum, Bombax ellipticum, Shaving Brush Tree (14)Pseudobombax ellipticum, Bombax ellipticum, Shaving Brush Tree (15)

In habitat, it's a medium to large size tree. One of the stranger-looking of the flowering trees that is very popular for bonsai culture. May be pruned to size to make an unique indoor plant. Beautiful flowers develop from long cylindrical buds that open with a slightly explosive sound. This plant can be confused with a Turtle Shell Plant: on pictures by Brenda Bock you may see the base of the bonsai - and the turtle shell type markings. The tree is cultivated mainly for its flowers, but like other species of the genus, its fruits contain seeds with large fibers attached to the seed coat, which are used commercially.

Similar plants:

  • Pseudobombax marginatum (Peroto del Monte)
  • Bombax ceiba, Salmalia malabarica, Bombax malabaricum (Kapok tree, Silk Cotton Tree)
  • Bombax costatum, Bombax andrieui (Red-Flowered Silk Cotton Tree)
  • Pachira glabra, Bombax glabrum (French Peanut, Guiana Chestnut, Provision Tree, Money Tree, Saba Nut)

Image gallery: 36 images

Pseudobombax ellipticum var. album

Pseudobombax ellipticum var. album

Pseudobombax ellipticum var. album

Pseudobombax ellipticum var. album

Pseudobombax ellipticum var. album

Pseudobombax ellipticum var. album

Pseudobombax ellipticum var. album

Pseudobombax ellipticum var. album

Pseudobombax ellipticum var. album

Pseudobombax ellipticum var. album

Pseudobombax ellipticum var. album

Link to this plant:

Pseudobombax ellipticum, Bombax ellipticum

Pseudobombax ellipticum, Bombax ellipticum, Shaving Brush Tree (53)

Pseudobombax ellipticum, Bombax ellipticum, Shaving Brush Tree (54)

2994 Pseudobombax ellipticum - Shaving Brush Tree

Shaving Brush Tree. One of the coolest looking flowering... more

Pseudobombax ellipticum - Shaving Brush Tree

Shaving Brush Tree. One of the coolest looking flowering trees, this fast-growing tree bears spectacular showy staminate flowers in the spring. It usually has no leaves at that time, which serves to show off the large and striking blooms.

Recommended Supplies: SUNSHINE Megaflor - Bloom Nutrition Booster
SUNSHINE-Epi - Caudex booster
Adenium Soilless Mix

This item is certified for shipping to California, Texas, Louisiana.

Grown in

10"/3 gal pot, large plant

In stock



Pseudobombax ellipticum, Bombax ellipticum, Shaving Brush Tree (56)

6970 Pseudobombax ellipticum - Shaving Brush Tree, 7 gal pot

Shaving Brush Tree. One of the coolest looking flowering... more

Pseudobombax ellipticum - Shaving Brush Tree, 7 gal pot

Shaving Brush Tree. One of the coolest looking flowering trees, this fast-growing tree bears spectacular showy staminate flowers in the spring. It usually has no leaves at that time, which serves to show off the large and striking blooms.

Recommended Fertilizer: SUNSHINE Megaflor - Bloom Nutrition Booster

7 gal pot. More developed root system, thicker trunk and branches. Plant height depends on growing season and variety. Dwarf varieties are slow growers and may be shorter. Contact us for exact size description if size/height matters to you. 7 gal plants may be shipped separately from other items by Ground service due to large size. See here time in transit (business days, excluding Sat-Sun!)

This item is certified for shipping to California, Texas, Louisiana, Arizona.

Grown in

14"/7 gal pot

In stock



6992 Pseudobombax ellipticum Bonsai Starter - Shaving Brush Tree

Shaving Brush Tree - Bonsai Starter. This is one of... more

Pseudobombax ellipticum Bonsai Starter - Shaving Brush Tree

Shaving Brush Tree - Bonsai Starter. This is one of the best candidates in existence for large bonsai! Although this plant can grow into a giant tree, but it can also be kept contained in a pot: this causes it to grow a massive caudex that resembles a tortoise shell! It is a unique choice for bonsai due to its striking flowers and distinctive trunk. As a bonsai, it features a swollen base (caudex) that gives it a sturdy and aged look, even when young. Huge, brush-like white flowers that look like shaving brushes emerge after winter dormancy, before foliage. It's a beautiful and exotic option for bonsai enthusiasts.
See pictures of the bonsai starter and of the flowering bonsai.

Recommended Supplies: SUNSHINE Megaflor - Bloom Nutrition Booster
SUNSHINE-Epi - Caudex booster
Adenium Soilless Mix

See picture of the actual plant

This item is certified for shipping to California, Texas, Louisiana, Arizona.

Grown in

6"/1 gal pot

7 Plants in stock



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Pseudobombax ellipticum, Bombax ellipticum, Shaving Brush Tree (2025)


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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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