The 6 Best Tattoo Power Supplies - Our Ultimate Review Guide - Tattify (2025)

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The heart of a tattoo machine is the power supply. You need something that is reliable, consistent, strong, and easy to understand under stressful moments. This is an essential tool that makes sure all your tattooing is running smoothly, so we’ve narrowed down our favorites in the industry.

Table of Contents (clickable)

  • 1 Tattoo Power Supplys Reviewed
    • 1.2 Critical Tattoo Power Supply CX1-G2
    • 1.3 BRONC Touch Screen Power Supply
    • 1.4 Hildbrandt Afterlife Dual Machine
    • 1.5 Cheyenne Hawk Power Unit IV
    • 1.6 Pirate Face Dual Digital Power Supply
  • 3 What We Consider When Selecting the Best Tattoo Power Supply
    • 3.1 Price
    • 3.2 Portability
    • 3.3 Readability
    • 3.4 Voltage
  • 4 Our Final Thoughts


  • Best Tattoo Gun
  • Best Tattoo Pen Machine

Tattoo Power Supplys Reviewed

Cheyenne Hawk Power Unit I & II - Our Pick!

The 6 Best Tattoo Power Supplies - Our Ultimate Review Guide - Tattify (1)

Cheyenne is a name you’ve seen on many of our lists before, and it’s a brand we totally trust in the tattooing industry. The Cheyenne Hawk Power Unit I & II topped our list as the best of the best for a few reasons.

First, this compact little power supply packs a powerful 12.5V maximum punch, and it’s surprisingly light given its strength. With a clear and easy-to-read display and buttons that won’t have you scrambling to change settings, this reliable power supply is hard to beat. It’s simplified for beginners but powerful enough for advanced artists, so it’s universality is what made us really love it.

While some folks are bothered by the single power output, that’s what the Hawk Unit II is for, and this dual pack solves that problem with ease. Cheyenne is on top of ensuring that artists of all levels are covered and that multiple machines can be connected and used during one session. This is great for artists who have different guns prepped to go.

Another bonus of this impressive machine is the fact that it has a timer available on its display - this is great for marking a session and organizing breaks for your clients.


  • Input Voltage: 15V
  • Output Voltage: 6 to 12.5V
  • Stitch Frequency: 60-160Hz
  • Operating Mode: Continuous
  • Dimensions: 110 x 165 x 55 mm
  • Weight: 260g


  • Easy to use
  • Zero fluctuations in power
  • Adjustable for one or more machines
  • Lightweight
  • Clear display
  • Powerful machine even at low setting


  • Single power output - needs the two machines for multiple guns
  • Quite expensive for the duo

Critical Tattoo Power Supply CX1-G2

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This power supply by Critical Tattoo is made in the USA and is able to hold independent settings for different guns, making for a powerful single output machine that allows for a quick switch while an artist is working.

It’s small and compact and comes with multiple connectors that allow you to clip it just about everywhere. It’s also powerful enough to ramp up to 18V and its touch screen is easy to navigate.

It has a reliable power supply with a short circuit protection, and is loved by both beginners and experts in the industry. Artists particularly love it’s “jump start” feature for hard starting rotaries, and it even holds your presets if the power is accidentally removed.


  • Input Voltage: 90-240VAC
  • Output Voltage: 0 to 18V
  • Stitch Frequency: 60-110Hz
  • Operating Mode: Continuous


  • Easy to use
  • Zero fluctuations in power
  • Jump start enabled
  • Lightweight
  • Clear display
  • Preset memory if power supply is lost
  • Great mounting options


  • A little expensive
  • Single output machine

BRONC Touch Screen Power Supply

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With a fantastic mount and a touch screen that will blow your mind, the BRONC power supply had to be on our list. Though a little complex for beginners, expert artists love this digital LCD and the multiple settings that are available on this machine, still stressing that it’s quite easy to use once you’ve mastered the buttons.

With the ability to present voltages and an easy switch to go from liner to shader, it’s no wonder people in the industry love BRONC. With a lightweight body and an output that goes to 18V, this baby packs a powerful punch. To top it all off, considering how impressive it runs, it’s very inexpensive.


  • Input Voltage: 90 - 240V
  • Output Voltage: 3 - 18V
  • Stitch Frequency: 60Hz
  • Operating Mode: Continuous


  • Very inexpensive
  • Zero fluctuations in power
  • Lightweight
  • Clear display with multiple options and presets (up to 6)
  • Stable and powerful


  • Only a one-year warranty
  • Reported issues of reversed polarity on the machine

Hildbrandt Afterlife Dual Machine

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I don’t think you’ll find a cooler looking power supply on our list, and if aesthetics is important to you, but so are dual power capabilities, this machine by Hildbrandt is exactly what you need. Not to mention it comes at a super low price point.

The display is beyond impressive and the buttons built into the design are not only clever but easy to use. This Hildbrandt power supply can run two machines and can hold six presents for liners and shaders, and has a non volatile memory that will hold the presets even if the machine is accidentally unplugged.

This machine can also run both American and European power supply adapters, which, paired with its lightweight feel, makes it great for artists who travel for guest features or exhibitions. It has suction cups to hold it in place on any smooth surface, and it experiences no power fluctuations, making this a sturdy and reliable machine.


  • Output Voltage: 1.5 - 18V
  • Operating Mode: Continuous
  • Dimensions: 7” x 4” x 2.5”
  • Weight: 8oz


  • Easy to use LCD screen
  • Zero fluctuations in power
  • Capable of running two machines
  • Lightweight
  • Very inexpensive
  • Holds six presents
  • Can be used on American and European power adapters
  • Will remember settings even if power is lost


  • Multiple settings can be overwhelming
  • There is no on/off button (it must be unplugged to be powered off)

Cheyenne Hawk Power Unit IV

The 6 Best Tattoo Power Supplies - Our Ultimate Review Guide - Tattify (2)

Another Cheyenne power supply unit made our list and this one is so small that it fits in the palm of your hand. With a magnetic bottom that locks it in place, it stands on a tilt with a clear LED display. This lightweight model is perfect for those artists who travel often and need a powerful output range in a little, stable machine.

This power supply is designed with Cheyenne machines in mind, and holds preset values for quick and seamless work. It also has a stopwatch built into the machine to keep track of the session.


  • Input Voltage: 15V
  • Output Voltage: 4.7 to 12.5V
  • Operating Mode: Continuous
  • Dimensions: 87 x 76 x 28 mm
  • Weight: 159g


  • Very small
  • Very lightweight
  • Powerful and reliable
  • Timer function
  • Has preset capabilities


  • Designed to work best with Cheyenne machines
  • Missing adaptors in the package
  • Single output
  • Quite expensive

Pirate Face Dual Digital Power Supply

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At a price so unbelievably low, it’s hard to believe that you’d get a machine that’s so powerful and reliable, but Pirate Face never seems to let us down. This power supply also comes with a foot pedal, which means you’re ready to go as soon as you pull it out of the package.

With a great voltage range, the ability to connect two machines at once, and preset switches for liners and shaders, this power supply is definitely impressive. Beginners find this machine intuitive and great for their lower budgets but high-quality needs, and experts love the consistency of Pirate Face products.


  • Input Voltage: 60v - 250v
  • Output Voltage: 1.5 - 18V
  • Operating Mode: Continuous
  • Dimensions: 5” x 6” x 7”
  • Weight: 1.72lbs


  • Very inexpensive
  • Stable power supply
  • Reliable build quality
  • Connects to two machines
  • Foot pedal included


  • Chinese made - complaints about it being less impressive over time
  • Very heavy
  • Very big

Our Pick - Cheyenne Hawk Power Unit I & II

While it may be one of the more expensive power supply units on our list, you’d be paying for a high quality machine that lasts you years in your tattooing career. The adaptability of adjusting to suit how many machines you need also makes us love this power duo. In addition, the Cheyenne machines take any power adapter you require, making these suitable for artists who travel the world for their work.

The minimalist display makes it easy to use, giving you exactly what you need without distractions, and allowing for an intuitive and simple handling, for ease-of-use mid-session. This machine is compact, lightweight, and easy to clean, and it has an impressive booster for a smooth and powerful start up.

The Cheyenne Hawk power supply units are reliable and pack an intense punch. We feel that this is one of those tools that you’ll keep in your shop for years, and that the quality of work doesn’t degrade over time like cheaper machines do.

What We Consider When Selecting the Best Tattoo Power Supply

A tattoo power supply is the lifeline of your career, so we take care when selecting what makes our best of list. Here are a few factors we consider when choosing our favorites.


We have something for every budget on our list, so beginners searching for something cheap to start with, or experts who want a long-term piece of equipment, can make a careful and educated decision. In addition, when selecting low-cost machines to review, we select brands we know and trust. Too many unregulated power supplies that cost mere pennies end up turning your tattooing experience into a disaster. You need something that will hold up in a long session, and won’t have power fluctuations, no matter the cost.


Tattooers are traveling workers, and we know there are exhibitions and guest chairs to attend to. Whether you’re settling down in your own shop or picking up to travel the world, we have something on the list that’s ideal for you. In addition, many of our favorite power supply units accept worldwide power adaptors!


We are most impressed by power supply units that have easy-to-read displays that are intuitive. This prevents any stress or disturbance during a session, and allows for quick adjustments by the artist. This readability also extends to button use, and our favorite machines are those that are not too complex in a stressful moment.


The heart and soul of a power supply unit lies in it’s, well, power. Voltage was an immensely important factor in selecting our favorites, because it determines how many tattoo machines your power supply can handle, and what work it will be able to get done (lining or shading). If you’re running power-hungry guns, you will certainly find a power supply to suit your needs on our list.

In addition, we made sure that our recommendations had continuous operation and a stable power with no fluctuations, making for a smooth, consistent, and reliable tattooing experience.

Our Final Thoughts

A high-quality power supply is the icing on the cake of a complete and powerful belt of tattoo tools. Selecting a machine depends on your own needs, such as, how many guns you need to power, how intuitive you want the display to be, whether you need something portable or permanent, and how power-hungry your gun is. If you’re ever unsure about what to select, speak to artists you admire and see what they’re working with.

The 6 Best Tattoo Power Supplies - Our Ultimate Review Guide - Tattify (2025)


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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.